
Hollybank Trust is a registered charity: 1043129. Your donations help us support children, young people and adults with profound disabilities to live life to the full and learn new skills.

Donate today

You can help support us to continue our work across Hollybank.

Please fill out the form below to make a donation. If you are a UK taxpayer please consider opting in for Gift Aid.

With your help...

Your generous gift could help with the following:

  • £50 – could pay for a riding lesson for one of our children
  • £100 – could provide a hydrotherapy for babies with limited mobility
  • £500 – could help us buy equipment for an adult who wants to communicate with his friends
  • £1000 – could enable us to adapt household appliances so that our adults can make themselves a cup of tea, or turn the TV over

Larger gifts could support our building programmes or fund repairs, adaptations and developments to our school and residential homes.

A gift in your will, or a donation in memory of a lost loved one, really will help us to continue to give quality of life, for life to the very special babies, children, young people and adults in our care.