Residential Care Places Available

We currently have places for children and adult residential care at Hollybank.

Residential Care- Places Available

Do you need specialist provision? We have places available!

We often hear that local authorities and health providers find it hard to see what complex disability placements and services are available.

Based in Yorkshire, we provide education, residential care, plus a range of therapies and enrichment activities for children, young people and adults with profound and multiple disabilities.

If you have any questions or a current placement need, please contact our friendly team by clicking here who will be able to help you.

Current homes with places available:

Click on each tile below to view more about each of our homes

Rowan court 2

Rowan Court

Looking out across the Holme Valley, Rowan Court can accommodate fifteen adults in en-suite rooms.

Orchard court

Orchard Court

Orchard Court is one of our children’s residential home in Mirfield. It boasts seven accessible, en-suite rooms, all of which are wheelchair adapted and fitted with tracking hoists.

rainbow and clouds

A word from our parents

“Hollybank staff, volunteers and residents are a huge part of our family. You are amazing at the best of times and have proven to be exceptional during such challenging times. A huge heartfelt thank you to one and all.”